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Showing posts from July, 2009

Querying GitHub Issues from Google App Script

I'm currently exploring different integrations that can be done between Google App Script and Git. This is part of a bigger attempt to integrate Git data into my project management system. I'll post more on that later. GitHub supports a number of very nice sub-systems. One of them is the GitHub Issues ticket tracking system. It's fairly robust and comes with GitHub - which means it's highly integrated out-of-the-box. Integration with Google's App Script is done via the fetchURL command and JSON object manipulation.  After a good bit of experimentation, I've settled on querying GitHub Issues with an "on open spreadsheet event" to avoid issues with Google's quota system. Essentially, Google prevents you from calling the fetchURL command more than X times (see the quota limits ) per day. That's not great if you have people actively working and changing data in a spreadsheet. Some of my other App Script routines are running thousands of times per d...

D2007 and large text files

Has anyone noticed that Delphi 2007 cannot append to a text file over 2GB in size? I freely admit that I had a problem in my code that created log files that large in the first place... but I also don't expect my compiler to blow up when dealing with files of any size. My first warning was when the append command started throwing I/O Error 131 messages. Error 131 is negative seek. The only way that could be is if CG has a signed int32 it's using for the filesize. When I hit the upper bounds of int32, it just wraps around to a negative number. In my case, I just fixed the bug and stopped making huge text files. Otherwise, it looks like I'd have to change how the append function works in the System library. Does anyone know if D2009 also has this problem?

Gmail, POP3 and Indy

In my ever expanding need for dealing with the outside world, I've discovered a quirky little thing about Indy 10. When using the TIdPOP3 component with Gmail, you have to manually call DisconnectNotifyPeer or delete commands are ignored. I suppose this isn't quirky as much as not really documented any place I was able to find. Let's backup and start at the beginning, shall we? I have a Windows service that polls a POP3 account looking for messages that it can import into a DB. It has all sorts of fun rules that can be assigned to discover what needs to be imported, what database it goes into, etc. At any rate, this code has been merrily chugging away on both Yahoo and SmarterMail servers with nary a hiccup. I recently needed to watch a Google domain app e-mail address and didn't think much of it. Of course, in order to do so you have to implement SSL for POP3. As I've posted in the past, this is not really much of an issue, you simply create the TIdSSLIOHandlerSock...

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