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Showing posts from July, 2008

Querying GitHub Issues from Google App Script

I'm currently exploring different integrations that can be done between Google App Script and Git. This is part of a bigger attempt to integrate Git data into my project management system. I'll post more on that later. GitHub supports a number of very nice sub-systems. One of them is the GitHub Issues ticket tracking system. It's fairly robust and comes with GitHub - which means it's highly integrated out-of-the-box. Integration with Google's App Script is done via the fetchURL command and JSON object manipulation.  After a good bit of experimentation, I've settled on querying GitHub Issues with an "on open spreadsheet event" to avoid issues with Google's quota system. Essentially, Google prevents you from calling the fetchURL command more than X times (see the quota limits ) per day. That's not great if you have people actively working and changing data in a spreadsheet. Some of my other App Script routines are running thousands of times per d...

Indy and HTTPS Post

I'm back to work on the HTTPS Post issue with DHL's ShipIt XML API. The problem I'm having is when I use Indy to post the xml via an HTTPS post, the response is that the file is malformed. I should mention that I'm using a relatively recent version of Indy 10. If I use FF (if you don't have it, check out the Poster add-on, let's you play with the HTTP functions using FF's libraries) it works fine. The first problem is that it's a little hard to see what FF is actually doing that is different from what Indy is doing. Enter Fiddler , stage right. Fiddler is an http proxy that captures that http information and lets you manipulate it or display the raw headers. So, pointing FF to the localhost proxy on port 8888, the headers I get are: POST /apilandingtest.asp HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0...

Indy and SSL

If anyone has ever tried to get the OpenSSL libraries to work with Indy, you may have experienced a lot of pain with the process. I'm in the process of trying to develop an application for DHL's ShipIT XML Api that utilizes an HTTPS POST. The actual post code from Indy is easy response := HTTP.Post(url, file); but getting the SSL side to work, especial on Vista, is painful. I should disclose here that I have yet to get the HTTPS to send the data correctly via Indy, but I did finally get OpenSSL playing with Indy under Vista. Basically, the problem stems from the fact that Indy lets you make SSL assignments that will fail at run-time and then provides very little in the way of information about the failure. This is caused by IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders.pas not having any meaningful error reporting on the OpenSSL libraries failing to load. To be clear, it does basically say "Can't load library" but that's it. To fix it, search on SafeLoadLibrary in IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders.p...

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